Graphic highlights risks faced by motorcyclists in Wales

08.56 | 31 January 2018 | | 6 comments

A new social media campaign has been launched in Wales to raise awareness of the vulnerability of the country’s motorcyclists.

‘Now You See Him, Now You Don’t’ has been developed on the back of statistics published earlier this month which show that although motorcyclists only accounted for 0.7% of traffic in Wales in 2016, they represented 23% of all killed and seriously injured casualties.

In total, 22 motorcyclists were killed on the country’s roads in 2016 – three fewer than the previous year.

Backed by the Wales Motorcycle Safety Group and road safety practitioners, the campaign will see Road Safety Wales’ partners sharing a graphic to remind all road users of the risks faced by motorcyclists.

Road Safety Wales says reducing motorcycling casualties is a key priority and raising awareness of the increased level of risk experienced by powered two wheel riders is one of the measures being used to achieve this.

Susan Storch, chair of Road Safety Wales, said: “Although motorcycle casualties are down 12% on the previous year, unfortunately we are not seeing the reduction that we would like.

“As road users, each of us has a responsibility to reduce our own road risk and to recognise the vulnerability of others.

“We are all acutely aware that, even though a motorcyclist may not be at fault, their vulnerability invariably means that they suffer more serious injuries in a collision.

“Through the use of social media, Road Safety Wales partners will be sharing the image to remind all road users that motorcyclists are exposed to greater risk on the roads.”


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    Hugh, the simple truth is that this campaign is just one of many that is aimed at drivers, or is it at motorcyclists, as it is very confusing. However whilst we must get at and educate motorcyclists on how to be safe on our roads it is accepted that many incidents include the action of drivers of other motor vehicles who apparently don’t see or make any allowances for them and so they also must be reminded of their safety and the safety of motorcyclists. So this poster is aimed at one side and not the other, but as yet I don’t know which side it is aimed at. Confused… so am I.

    bob craven
    Agree (1) | Disagree (13)

    The graphic is just another tool in the road safety toolbox and is intended to be used to try and reach the middle aged man (yes man) whose is both a driver and biker and often on a high powered bike in his leisure time. If the graphic prompts a few of said bikers (of any age group and either gender) to ponder on the disproportionate risk between the two modes of transport and make even minor adjustments to their riding style as a result it will have been worth it. The cost to produce the graphic was minimal, was felt to be worth doing and no it hasn’t been formally evaluated beforehand.

    Pat, Wales
    Agree (14) | Disagree (2)

    Bob: I wasn’t having a dig at motorcyclists – it was more the campaign which seemed to be putting the onus on everyone else to be aware of them rather, than encouraging motorcyclists to look out for themselves and reduce their own risk and vulnerability. When riding, I’m aware of and constantly looking out for, pedestrians (dark clothing or not), cyclists (wherever they may be), horse riders and animals all of whom are vulnerable and relatively slow-moving. I look out for motorcyclists as well, but unlike the former group of road users, they are definitely not slow-moving and must take responsibility for their actions and not do things that make them vulnerable. It’s bizarre that the fastest road users are the least protected and most vulnerable, so the choice is theirs.

    Hugh Jones
    Agree (5) | Disagree (9)

    Hugh, would you be saying this about pedestrians who wear dark clothing at dusk and night time and are not seen, or maybe cyclists who ride all over the road in packs or singly and by doing so reduce the traffic flow to the pace of a medieval horse and cart.

    Motorcycling is as old as motor cars are. In fact probably earlier than the first known car and as such they have enjoyed a place on our roads. It’s the age old problem that a few destroy the credibility of the majority by riding in a manner unacceptable to other road users, but as said this is a minority. In the vast majority of my long history of road usage I have had and been shown nothing but goodwill when out riding my bike and driving my car and it has been reciprocated willingly. You paint a black picture of motorcyclists in general but it is by far the minority that are the cause of concern. The truth is that in many instances the motorcyclists comes worse off when confronted by another vehicle whose driver has not taken sufficient care and consideration to first of all look for one, seeing one and then avoiding a collision with one.

    Unfortunately the matter is made worse by the lack of training or of poor training or a lack of understanding of some basic principals of riding and of road safety matters in general. The answers to this age old problem has always been education. That other drivers or road users should look out for bikers. Why should that be if society thinks that that all bikers are hellbent on being the authors of their own demise.

    With that attitude nothing is going to get better… it’s not.

    bob craven
    Agree (12) | Disagree (2)

    As a committed motorcyclist, I have to say I can understand where Hugh is coming from. A considerable number of motorcyclists seem to want to place their trust in another road user, i.e. riding too close to the vehicle in front, overtaking opposite a junction… I guess some of us think that the road safety fairy will wave its magic wand especially for them whenever they venture out on the road. To those riders, all I can say is – good luck.

    Mark – Wiltshire, Warminster
    Agree (6) | Disagree (10)

    This is a campaign which is asking ‘all road users’ to be aware of another road user group who have voluntarily chosen a mode of transport which, through their complete lack of protection and their ability to travel faster than anything else on the road whilst having to continually maintain balance on two wheels, apparently makes them ’86 times more likely to be killed or seriously injured’. Thanks for making us aware of that. I’ll certainly bear that in mind the next time one is sitting on my tail, too close to stop in time.

    Hugh Jones
    Agree (4) | Disagree (17)

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