Road Safety GB comment on 2017 road casualty statistics

14.14 | 27 September 2018 |

Road Safety GB says the ‘Reported road casualties in Great Britain, annual report: 2017’ highlights the ongoing need to remain focused on the work to educate, engineer and enforce for safer roads.

Published on 27 September, the report shows that a total of 1,793 people were killed on roads in Great Britain during 2017 – meaning the number of road deaths has remained largely unchanged since 2010.

The 2017 figure is one death more than in 2016 (1,792) – making it the highest annual figure since 2011.

Steve Horton, director of communications, said: “As with every annual announcement of road casualty data, there is no good news here just bad and worse, with the stark reminder of lives changed and lives ended.

“As these numbers fluctuate over time we are tempted to identify ‘good’ or ‘bad’ years based on the raw numbers, but what this data cannot provide is proper insight to the pain and suffering crashes lead to, nor the wave of emotional impact that radiates out like a tsunami through the families, friends and acquaintances that each victim has.

“So whilst the numbers are important we must not lose sight that these are people, and regardless of the size of number it is always too many people.

“What this data does highlight however, is the ongoing need to remain focused on the work to educate, engineer and enforce for safer roads; to make it easy for those who want to do the right (safest) thing – and for those who choose not to to be identified and dealt with through legal process.

“We know our road network is not ideal and in many cases we have to make the best of what we have, so sharing the roads and finding a way to be considerate to others becomes more important.”

27 September 2018


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