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The Road Safety GB website receives around 25,000 views primarily from road safety professionals each month. The cost of advertising is £250 plus VAT to include job description, organisation logo and link (or attachment) to application form/more details etc. Advertising agency commission is not payable. The proceeds from recruitment advertising go to Road Safety GB. Purchase orders need to be made out to RSGB Limited.

If you have a career opportunity you would like to advertise, please email the copy in a Word document to Sally Bartrum or Edward Seaman. Alternatively, for further information contact Sally on 01379 650112. The advertisement will be uploaded within 24 hours and will stay on the site until after the closing date.

Current vacancies

Safer Roads Unit Departmental Manager – British Horse Society

Location: Remote working
Salary details: £28,000
Hours/Job term: 35 Hours Per Week (Fixed Term – One Year)
Closing Date: 31 January 2025

Click here to read the job description and for details of how to apply

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