Surround A Town
This presentation will introduce ‘Surround A Town’, which was first introduced in 2007 as part of the Safer Essex Roads Partnership’s (SERP) efforts to drive a step change in reducing KSI figures.
Surround A Town combines overt and covert enforcement with high profile targeted publicity to increase public levels of awareness of the additional policing, and enhance knowledge about ‘what’ and ‘why’ the campaign is addressing.
Under Surround A Town, a significant amount of resource is focused in a very concentrated and geographically targeted area – in order to address a wide range of poor road using behaviours by appropriate use of engagement, education and enforcement.
SERP uses an overarching campaign message of ‘no excuse for poor driving’ at the Surround A Town events.
Claire Stone, Road Safety Technician, Essex Highways
Claire has been working in the road safety team in Essex for 14 years. For the past nine, years Claire has had the responsibility of overseeing all the road safety primary school work for the county.
In addition to this, Claire devises and collates evaluations for the Safer Essex Roads Partnership team.
This includes looking at methods of evaluating, then compiling a final report to provide important findings to the partnership, helping with improving and further developing the partnerships interventions.
David Raven, Road Safety Technician, Essex Highways
David has been with the road safety team for nine-and-a-half years and is one of the organisers of Surround A Town days.
Some of his other duties include training new Community Speed Watch (CSW) volunteers and supporting the development of the Essex CSW groups. David also works closely with partners on many projects, especially Essex Police with TruCam and Gatso camera duties.