Evidential breath tests – a smarter future
This live presentation will take place at 2pm on Wednesday 17 November. Registration is free, but required. Click here to sign up.
For the past few years, the Parliamentary Advisory Counicl for Transport Safety (PACTS) has been running a competition, with funding from the Department for Transport, to encourage companies to develop 'roadside' breath-testing equipment, of an evidential standard, and to obtain Home Office type approval.
This equipment would then be available for use by the police, with the evidence accepted by the courts, avoiding the need to take a driver to a police station for the evidential testing.
The Mobile Evidential Breath Testing Instruments (MEBTI) competition has now reached Stage 3 – submission of instruments for final testing and approval.
This presentation will give a progress report and explain the way forward for evidential breath tests.
David G Davies PhD FCIHT, Executive Director, PACTS
David Davies has a background in sustainable transport, road safety, public sector scrutiny, planning and research. He has worked in local government and transport consultancies, including five years at the Transport Research Laboratory. In 2003 he moved to the Audit Commission, and subsequently to the UK Parliament House of Commons Transport Select Committee
He led inquiries into road safety, aviation strategy, HS2, national policy for ports and bus competition. He has been the executive director of PACTS since January 2013 and has emphasised its thought-leadership role.
He is a member of various DfT advisory committees including the Motorists Form and Road Safety Delivery Group.
He manages the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Transport Safety and advises MPs and Peers of all parties. He plays the role of critical friend to civil servants and ministers.