The Government’s announcement that it will become easier for councils to introduce 20mph limits has been greeted unfavourably by the Association of British Drivers (ABD).
Nigel Humphries, ABD spokesman, says: “Previously, before installing a 20mph limit, councils had to show that the speed of traffic would naturally be less than 20mph or introduce other measures – such as traffic calming – to achieve this.
Brian Gregory, ABD chairman, added: "We warned some while back that the localism policy will be bad news for road safety and this is the first example. Scientific methodology in speed limit setting is being swept away so local politicians can make decisions that they believe will win them votes.
“This is precisely what we have campaigned against for years. We have no objection to 20mph limits in appropriate areas but their random use will further undermine respect for all limits.”
For more information contact the ABD on 07000 781544.
We all know [or we should by now] that the government wants all local authorities to implement a blanket 20mph limit in all built up areas by 2013. This is so that it can easily and readily show support for its commitments to the EEC on reducing deaths and serious injuries on our roads. This is an easy measure to implement and now with this news they have made it so much easier, with no requirement to justify it.
Well done, now that speed cameras in towns are turned off why not reduce the speed of all vehicles?
Maybe in a few more years time all travel in England will be limited to 20 mph.
We will wait and see.