According to a report in the Telegraph more than 300 safety cameras across the West Midlands are to become inactive on 1 April.
The Telegraph reports that in recent weeks Staffordshire has said it will be decommissioning cameras in low risk areas where there have been no recent collisions, as long as other road calming measures are brought in.
Other areas where cameras are being switched off include Nottingham, Norfolk, Coventry and Wiltshire.
Claire Armstrong, of the anti camera group Safespeed, said: “We are extremely encouraged that councils are deciding to consider better engineering solutions than speed cameras.
“It will assist drivers to concentrate on the road rather than their speedometer. We need to always ensure that motorists should always think about the task of driving as this is crucial to recognising hazards which cause accidents.
“We would like to see all inactive cameras covered, showing that the devices are not in use.”
Andrew Howard, the AA’s head of road safety, said: “Without cameras there will be little to deter people from speeding and we would hope the authority can find another way of funding them as soon as possible.”
Click here to read the full Telegraph report.
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