Road Safety GB Academy has launched two new online training courses relating to older road users – one for ADIs and the other for RSOs.
The Ageing Driver (ADI Training Course)
The first new course, titled The Ageing Driver, is intended for Approved Driving Instructors (ADI) and Potential Driving Instructors (PDI) who have limited experience of older drivers and want to learn how to better support them.
The challenges faced by older drivers are complex, with few instructors receiving advice on these issues as part of their ADI training.
In 2019 Road Safety GB was awarded funding to develop and evaluate a training course for ADIs and PDIs. The Ageing Driver course is now recognised under the DVSA’s accreditation scheme.
Topics covered in the course include the type of collisions experienced by older drivers, eyesight, hazard perceptions skills, diabetes and preparing for retirement from driving.
Many local authorities deliver an older driver support scheme but often struggle to recruit ADIs with the specialist knowledge to support older drivers.
To address this, ADIs who complete this course can have their contact details added to a list that is available to local government road safety officers.
The course is delivered online, as 2 x 3-hour facilitator-led sessions, usually commencing at 18.00 and ending at 21.00. As well as the two facilitated sessions, participants are required to complete two e-learning modules.
The course will be held for the first time on 14 & 21 November 2022 (18.00 – 21.00 each evening) and the fee is £79 plus VAT.
Click here to book this course
Introduction to the needs of Older Road Users (for Road Safety Practitioners)
This course introduces road safety practitioners to the range of medical conditions and societal challenges faced by older drivers, with the aim of helping them develop interventions to support and maximise the safety of older road users.
The course covers a range of common issues associated with the ageing process including eyesight, hazard perception skills, cognitive processing, strength and flexibility and medication.
This is an introductory course and as such suitable for road safety professionals who are new to working with older road users, or those seeking to refresh their knowledge and understanding. The content is not UK-specific and therefore is suitable for international participants.
The one-day online course is scheduled to run for the first time on 23 November and the cost is £145 plus VAT
Click here to book this course
Click here to see the full Road Safety GB Academy autumn 2022 programme of training courses.
We should consider that younger drivers are more aggressive when driving not the elderly, and when they cause accidents the punishment is not severe enough.they carry on being aggressive and ignore the rules of the road.
Robert Simpson, Morecambe