Road Safety GB Academy has launched a new online training course to give practitioners who are new to road safety the knowledge, skills and confidence to deliver ‘simple but effective’ interventions.
The ‘Introduction to Road Safety Delivery’ course will provide students with a greater understanding of the relationship between government, partner organisations and the public – and how that relates to road safety programmes and delivery in the UK.
The course comprises a mix of debate, group work and practical activities. The basic teaching skills acquired will give practitioners the confidence to work effectively with young people, in particular in primary and secondary schools, and with pre and post-test drivers.
However, the skills and knowledge gained are suitable for use with all road user age groups and types.
The course will be delivered online and in two parts. Part 1, the course delivery, is followed by a two-day gap to allow students to prepare for Part 2 – a short session in which they deliver (and are assessed on) a brief five-minute presentation.
The course fee for Academy members is £119, and for non-members £179 (both plus VAT).
The first date for delivery of the course is 15 September 2020, with further dates in November 2021, January and February 2021.
Click here for more details and/or to book a place on the course.
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