AEV Act to bring ‘massive improvement’ in electric chargepoint availability

10.59 | 23 July 2018 | | | 2 comments

New Government powers will ‘kick-start’ the rollout of electric charge points across the UK, according to the DfT.

On 19 July, the Automated and Electric Vehicles (AEV) Act – described as a ‘significant step’ towards improving air quality, cutting congestion and boosting road safety – passed through Parliament.

The AEV Act is designed to improve consumer confidence by making sure that public charge points are compatible with all vehicles, standardising how they are paid for and setting standards for reliability.

The Act gives the Government new powers to ensure motorway services are upgraded with charging points, and allows regional mayors to request installations at large fuel retailers in their areas.

It also brings automated vehicle insurance in line with longstanding motor insurance practice, ensuring that motorists are covered both when they are driving, and when the driver has legitimately handed control to the vehicle.

Jesse Norman, roads minister, said: “The UK is becoming a world leader in the roll-out of low-emission transport. Today we have passed a significant milestone in that journey.

“The increasing automation of our cars is transforming the way we drive, and the Government is steadily updating our laws in order to prepare for the future.

“This Act will ensure that the UK’s infrastructure and insurance system is ready for the biggest transport revolution in a century.”



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      If we are to have charging points on our roads then maybe we should be looking at municipal car parks like the swimming baths or library or just general ones and not taking up valuable space on the road where there are other parked cars and possible proximity to junctions involved.

      The use of already existing car parks where a charge could be made seems to me to be the simplest idea.

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      Compatible and ubiquitous EV charging points are an absolute ‘must’ to make these vehicles of interest to the masses. Better late than never on this point.

      I think the the jury is still out on the automation aspect and will be for a while so perhaps the government are ahead on this part of legislation? I’m sure ‘refinements’ will follow.

      Pat, Wales
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