The November Road Safety GB Academy seminar generated lively discussion and 10 questions for the publisher of FirstCar.
The seminar was hosted by James Evans, publisher of FirstCar, on 20 November 12.30 – 13.30. In the seminar James answered Academy members’ questions about engaging with young drivers through printed and online media.
printed media "will continue to be the most effective and cost efficient media for at least another 3-5 years".
On the subject of distraction by mobile phones, he admitted it’s "scary to see what drivers are doing", going on to suggest that
"parents have a role to play in setting a good example for their children". He concluded that "
smartphones are going to become even smarter and used for even more ‘stuff’".When asked the three top things to avoid when connecting with young people he suggested not to read too much into focus groups, to avoid being a "one trick pony" and try to meet new drivers' needs for various information other than that relating to road safety, and avoid patronising or trying to "be one of them".
The Road Safety GB Academy, the professional development arm of Road Safety GB, runs a monthly programme of online seminars which is available free of charge to members. Complimentary membership of The Academy is offered to road safety practitioners employed by local authority members of Road Safety GB – up to a maximum of 10 places per authority. Applications are also welcomed from practitioners working in the private and voluntary sector, subject to meeting the membership criteria. The annual cost of membership for these practitioners is £35. For more details or to apply for membership, visit The Academy website or contact Emma Norton, head of membership.
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