Aviva publishes ‘Road to success’ guide for parents

10.15 | 25 January 2010 | | 3 comments

Aviva has produced a new guide for parents to help them safely guide their sons and daughters through the process of learning to drive.

The guide, ‘The Road to success’, has been produced on the back of work carried out in 2009 by Aviva to understand the very poor crash and casualty statistics for newly qualified drivers.

The insurer also looked in more depth at choice of first car and found that 50% of first cars were being bought for less than £500.

Aviva’s Nigel Bartram said: “Our work highlights a need for better pre-driver education in secondary schools, including peer group classroom based sessions as part of the learning to drive programme, discussing all the aspects of safety and where things go wrong.

“It is also clear that parents have a role to play, both in terms of building experience and choice of first car – but they need to complement rather than conflict with professional tuition.

“We are working with DSA and the Association of British Insurers on some of these aspects but felt we had enough material to put out a useful parent guide at this stage.

“It was initially intended as something we could provide for our own customers who were adding a new driver, but we are so pleased with it that we think it should be available to a wider audience.”

Click here to download a copy of the guide, or for further information contact Adam Cracknell at Aviva on 01603 684916.



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      Just to let everyone know I have just been in conversation with Adam Cracknell.
      The leaflet only exists in PDF there are no hard copies available. He was so apologetic.

      Tina Housego Bracknell Forest Road Safety
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      Peter, please see contact details at the foot of the article. You could contact Adam Cracknell directly and ask for some copies of the safety guide.

      Jo Lazar, Road Safety GB, Web Administrator
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      Great booklet but possibly the dangers of using mobile phones, particularly texting, messing with radio, sat nav etc. should have been stressed a lot more. Any chance of obtaining copies of these for handing out at school visits?

      Peter H Lord, Lancaster City Council 01524 582731 plord@lancaster.gov.uk
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