BBC presenter caught speeding on bike

12.00 | 21 November 2014 | | 6 comments

The broadcaster Jeremy Vine has been stopped by police in London’s Hyde Park for speeding on his bicycle (BBC News).

The BBC Radio 2 presenter said he was caught travelling at 16mph in a 5mph zone.

Afterwards he tweeted: "If cyclists are forced to travel at walking pace, they will return to the roads and mix it with trucks.”

Mr Vine also posted a short film of what happened using the social media app Vine.

He later added in a further tweet: "When I got to the office @BBCRadio2 and said I was radar-gunned at 16mph on my bicycle, producer said: YOU ARE LIVING ON THE EDGE."


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    As all motorised vehicles are being slowed to bicycle speeds of 20mph on the roads, then it would seem to be correct that in pedestrian areas, they should be slowed to a walking speed of 5mph.

    Terry Hudson, Kent
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    There is a tendancy to set a 5 mph limit in shared areas like parks. However this means that nobody is allowed to run in the park, or are they worried that a runner might knock someone over resulting in their death due to a fractured hip? 10 mph would be more realistic and observable limit.

    Mark, Caerphilly
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    Jeremy Vine was also quoted as saying that every time he leaves for work on his bicycle his wife sees him off in the manner of a Japanese wife waving off her fighter pilot husband. He did not say whether he meant Kamikaze pilots, but he might have done!

    Idris Francis Fight Back With Facts Petersfield
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    Check this out for the Royal Parks Vine event:

    The Royal Parks police along with Royal Parks officers were raising awareness with cyclists about the need to be considerate to the pedestrians by cycling in a safe manner I.E. at a sensible speed when amongst pedestrians. The guns were used to show the actual differences in speed of pedestrians and cyclists. No-one was issued a ticket, warning or caution. Royal Parks prioritise pedestrians.

    Peter westminster
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    The Royal Parks and Open Spaces Regs 1997 amended 2010 may apply in this case.
    Otherwise on the highway it would be reckless or furious cycling as the offence surely.

    Peter Westminster
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    Interestingly, if you click on the ‘BBC News’ link, you’ll read about a cyclist in Tokyo who was convicted of manslaughter, given a suspended sentence and a couple of hundred thousand pound fine after having collided with and killing an elderly lady, at a reputed speed of between 9-15mph. Although rare, it does happen and cyclists have to be as responsible as everyone else.

    Hugh Jones, Cheshire
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