Biker mag publishes safety video aimed at drivers

09.16 | 29 March 2019 | | 2 comments

An online classic bike magazine has published a video aimed at drivers, with the intention of ‘raising a flag specifically for motorcycle safety’.

The short video (1min 17secs) – ‘THINK BIKE, THINK CAMERA, THINK JAIL’ – is intended to make more motorists aware of the fact that motorcyclists routinely use helmet cameras, in order to persuade drivers to ‘keep their distance, look twice and think twice’.

The video has been produced by ‘Sump’, a free independent classic bike magazine website based in the UK, but with readers from across the world.

Sump was created in 2009 and is ‘run by enthusiasts for enthusiasts’. Initially, the focus was on classic British bikes but the magazine has since expanded its remit to include any motorcycling issues ‘that we feel would be of interest to our visitors’.

In an email launching the video, Sump Magazine said: “Our hope is that the biking media, motorcycling clubs, motoring organisations, road safety groups, industry heads and suchlike can spread this around a little and encourage interested parties (either companies, organisations or individuals) to post the digital footage.

“At the very least, we want to increase general awareness of motorcycles.”



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      Motorists who make “slight” mistakes haven’t anything to worry about. But motorists who are a menace need a polite word and a hard stick. That’s how the world works best. Be nice, but be firm. And yes, some motorcyclists are a menace too. However, bikers are more vulnerable.

      Nigel Jones, Edinburgh
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      A hard way to put a message across. Will it actually increase general awareness of motorcyclist by warning all other drivers or all other road users that if they do the slightest thing wrong and perhaps make the slightest of incidental mistakes around a motorcyclist then they may suffer imprisonment.

      ‘BEWARE MOTORCYCLISTS WITH CAMERA’ drive at your peril.

      Perhaps the same could be said about some motorcyclists…. some that know of.

      Its a two way street.

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