Bradford Council launches new Covid-19 web portal

12.24 | 4 June 2020 | | 1 comment

Bradford Council has launched a new web portal for members of the public and local organisations to suggest new measures to encourage cycling, walking and social distancing.

The online portal enables individuals and groups to log details of ‘practical and easily implementable’ measures to help cope with reduced capacity on public transport during the Covid-19 outbreak.

Schemes will be considered for funding based on four key themes:

  • A town and district centre high street package – to implement measures to allow social distancing such as removing street clutter, increasing space for pedestrians, and managing likely queuing points
  • Active and sustainable travel package – to create new cycle lanes, widen pavements, and refocus reduced road space
  • A reduced speed limit programme – designed to reduce speeds in towns and district centres to make it safer or more comfortable for pedestrians and cyclists
  • A parks and open spaces programme – to enable the city’s green spaces to remain open for public use while facilitating social distancing.

Proposals will be considered alongside a number of ideas which have already been received from local groups as well as those identified by Bradford Council itself. 

The slected schemes will be designed to help the public and local communities get around the city while complying with social distancing guidelines that could remain in place for some time to come.

Cllr Alex Ross-Shaw, portfolio holder for regeneration, planning and transport, said: “These are clearly unprecedented and difficult times for everyone. 

“The people of Bradford and the surrounding towns have made a fantastic contribution to the nationwide effort to tackle Covid-19 and help the NHS.

“When the restrictions are relaxed further, we need to be ready. We need to think differently and take appropriate measures to allow people to get about safely and allow our thriving district centres to come alive again. That’s why these measures are so important.”



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      I would ask that measures are put in on roads to enable cyclists to travel in safety to work by using continuous cycle paths. This measure would encourage the use of cycles as a norm and produce healthier people in a cleaner environment.

      Madeleine J C Massey, BRADFORD
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