Brake and ACPO call on police forces to support Road Safety Week

12.00 | 10 October 2013 | | 8 comments

Brake and ACPO have issued a joint call for police forces to actively support Road Safety Week 2013 (18-24 November).

Road Safety Week, now in its 17th year, is co-ordinated annually by Brake and schools, communities and other organisations across the country take part. This main theme this year, ‘tune in to road safety’, encourages road users to avoid distractions.

Brake says that “scores of police forces” use Road Safety Week as an opportunity to run “heightened traffic enforcement”. Many also team up with local partners to run community workshops, roadshows and demonstrations to promote road safety awareness.

During Road Safety Week 2012, Greater Manchester Police ran speed watch sessions and ‘child court sessions’ at primary schools. Northamptonshire Police carried out speed checks at 98 schools and delivered road safety talks at 40 schools and colleges. And Durham Police ran a community speed watch with children from a local primary school.

Chief Constable Suzette Davenport, ACPO lead for roads policing, said: “While most road users are careful, considerate and law abiding, a minority are not.

“Too many collisions are caused by those who are distracted at the wheel, use excessive speed, drink or drug drive, or drive without a seatbelt.

“Enforcement and awareness schemes are being carried out by police and partners across the country and Road Safety Week is an ideal opportunity to engage with drivers and educate them on the dangers they face, alongside apprehending those who flout traffic laws.”


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      I agree with your points. Some more cynical individuals may add that if an offence is easier to measure it may even produce greater returns with regard to penalties in terms of fines.

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      Keith – it is at least arguable that wearing a seatbelt makes a collision a little more likely because drivers subconsciously adjust their risk thermostat – see Risky Business by Prof John Adams. As ever, what concerns me most about this report is the disproportionate emphasis on speed, a relatively minor primary cause of accidents. But unlike most other causes it’s easy to measure, hence its importance is exaggerated.

      Idris Francis Fight Back With Facts Petersfield
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      With a little research that could be established without posting. It is also irrelevant in the context of the report.

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      Spokesperson? Is Suzette male or female?

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      Keith: Quite agree. For what it’s worth, I suspect the spokesperson just lumped in the seat-belt bit, meaning as a factor in resulting accident casualties rather than as a primary cause of accidents per se.

      Hugh Jones, Cheshire
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      Hugh, understand you point. However, the wording should be correct or it may cause the police confusion on completing their Stats 19.

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      Keith: The same thought occured to me when I read that line. I suppose you could infer from it that whilst the act of not wearing a belt in itself might not trigger an acccident, those who are not inclined to wear their belt are the type who have a similarly cavalier attitude to the rest of their driving and observance of traffic laws and therefore more likely to cause an accident?

      Hugh Jones, Cheshire
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      I never realised that not wearing a seat belt was a primary factor leading to a collision. I appreciate that not wearing a seat belt has a direct influence on the outcome of any collision with regard to injuries sustained.

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