Brighter headlights causing road users “significant problems”

11.30 | 3 April 2024 | | 1 comment

The RAC has welcomed a commitment from the Government to commission an independent study into the issue of headlight glare.

The issue has been highlighted by a petition, which since launching in January has received more than 11,000 signatures.

The petition calls on the Government to ‘launch a review into the problem of some headlights causing oncoming traffic drivers to be unable to see clearly and safely’. 

The petition adds that the review ‘should be conducted with car manufacturers to find solutions’.

Responding to the petition, the Government said: “Recognising the need for further evidence [regarding headlight glare], we intend to commission independent research shortly.”

The RAC has welcomed the response, having campaigned about the issue.

The RAC points to its own research which shows approximately 80% drivers who are affected by headlight glare believe the problem is getting worse.

Rod Dennis, RAC road safety spokesperson, said: “The fact the Government has listened to drivers’ concerns and heeded our calls to examine the complex issue of headlight glare in more detail marks a real turning point. 

“The topic has undoubtedly struck a chord with motorists up and down the country, with many people contacting us directly to call for something to be done.

“Brighter headlights, while giving drivers a better view of the road ahead, are clearly causing other road users significant problems.

“An independent study provides a golden opportunity for the Government and industry to get to the bottom of the problem, identify the factors involved and map out a way forward.”



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      As an aside – but not unrelated – a very irriating problem for me is drivers who flash on main beam at night when acknowledging, or giving-way. It’s like a flash-bulb going off in your face. If you must flash your headlights at night, just switch off the dipped beam momentarily and on again – please do not flash using main beam. Similarly, if in daylight hours and your lights are off anyway, if you must ‘flash’, use dipped beam not main beam!

      Hugh Jones, Cheshire
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