Campaign aims to inspire more women to cycle

10.14 | 3 July 2019 |

A quarter of women would be encouraged to cycle more frequently if better infrastructure was available, a new survey suggests.

The survey was carried out by Cycling UK to mark the launch of its annual Women’s Festival of Cycling – with events taking place throughout July to ‘celebrate the fun, friendship and freedom’ that riding provides.

As part of the campaign, the charity wants every female cyclist to enlist at least one more woman to start riding.

The survey suggests 85% of women in the UK never ride a bike – or do so less than once a month (70% and 15% respectively).

Of that cohort, more than a quarter (27%) say better cycling infrastructure would encourage them to ride more, following by more considerate drivers (21%) and having access to a working bike (20%).

The 2017 National Travel Survey, published by the DfT, suggests one million women in the UK cycle regularly (at least three times a week) – compared to three times as many men.

Helen Cook, Cycling UK’s head of engagement, said: “It’s abundantly clear that women are massively underrepresented when it comes to everyday cycling, but our survey also found that 36% of women would be persuaded to get on a bike by friends or family.

“So this month we’re laying down the gauntlet and challenging every woman who currently cycles to persuade at least one other woman to get out for a ride.”

Celebrity support
The campaign is supported by TV presenter, Angellica Bell, a regular cyclist who only learned to ride a bike as an adult.

She said: “I was inspired to start cycling by my step-dad after I saw the enormous impact it had on his life, and so I’m backing Cycling UK’s campaign to inspire more women to start cycling.

“Wouldn’t it be amazing if every female cyclist in this country persuaded just one more woman to take up cycling. Imagine the difference that could make.

“Cycling is not only one of the most enjoyable ways of getting around, it’s great for your health, fitness and the environment. Let’s take up this challenge and all get out on our bikes through July.”



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