Young people in Kent who drive too fast or ignore seat belt laws are being targeted in a campaign to shock them into realising the terrible consequences if they cause a crash.
Adverts, posters and leaflets carry close-up images of the faces of dead drivers and their passengers, accompanied by the questions, “Who will you take with you?” and “Who will you leave behind?”
Kent & Medway Safety Camera Partnership and Kent Highway Services Road Safety are behind the campaign. A series of face-to-face promotional events are planned for nightspots across eight towns in Kent and Medway.
Vicky Watkins, RSO, says: “By taking the campaign into pubs, bars and clubs on busy Friday nights we aim to capture the attention of young people. The images on our display panels will make people think about the dangers of speeding and the horrific consequences of crashes. We want young people to consider how they would feel if they caused a crash where someone else is killed, perhaps a friend or a relative.”
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