East Riding of Yorkshire Council has launched a new campaign to highlight how school crossing patrols keep all pedestrians safe – not just children.
‘Stop. Means. Stop.’ focuses on the laws surrounding school crossing patrols – reiterating how they also help adults and the elderly to safely cross the road.
The campaign, which also encourages the public to respect school crossing patrol officers, tells the story of Tudor Jackson, who at the age of 86 is East Riding’s oldest school crossing patrol officer.
Mr Jackson says he has had first-hand experience of intimidating threats over the 18 years during which he has been a crossing patrol officer.
When asked why he still does the job, Mr Jackson said: “I’m a widower, I need a commitment, something to break up the day and I want to do something that will serve the community.
“I enjoy helping people safely across the road, particularly the unaccompanied children and also the elderly people who use the crossing.”
Failing to stop when signalled at a school crossing is an offence.
As part of the campaign, East Riding Council is encouraging all drivers to be vigilant, reduce their speed and be prepared to stop when approaching a school and crossing site – while also remaining patient and considerate.
Councillor John Barrett, portfolio holder for operational services, said: “It is incredibly unfortunate that a minority of drivers refuse to stop and end up intimidating the school crossing patrols.
“This campaign outlines the correct protocol surrounding school areas, in general. At times, it may be a case of drivers not concentrating as they approach crossings and I would ask that all drivers consider this when next out driving.”
Julie Turrell, road safety officer at East Riding Council, said: “Our school crossing patrol officers, who help keep others safe, should not be made to feel intimidated.
“The campaign is trying to highlight the fact there is a person behind the uniform and dangerous actions can and will affect them. ‘Stop. Means. Stop.’ aims to make sure people think twice and respect the rules of the road.”
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