Medway’s safer journeys team visited Mid Kent College to offer students voluntary breath tests in a bid to raise awareness of the dangers posed by drivers ‘even days after a heavy night out’.
The event marked the launch of Medway Council’s summer drink-drive campaign, which is supported by Kent Police and Kent Probation Services. The aim of the campaign is to increase awareness among young people about the after-effects of drinking; emphasising that they don’t have to feel intoxicated to be driving illegally.
Andy Dickinson, safer journeys officer, said: “Recent research has found that some young people regularly consume around double the recommended weekly maximum amount of alcohol units in just one night. Of the young people we have spoken to, many were shocked to discover they can still be over the legal drink drive limit up to two days after a heavy night out.”
Student Henry Coombs (pictured) volunteered to take the test. He said: “I didn’t realise that I could still be over the limit the day after a night out drinking. Now I’ll think twice about driving the next day if I’ve been out partying.”
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