The Child Accident Prevention Trust (CAPT)* has issued a ‘call for papers’ ahead of its annual road safety seminar which takes place on 23 March.
The seminar, provisionally titled ‘Road safety – engaging the parents of children and young people’, is being held in Camden, London.
The event is intended for road safety professionals, senior teachers and school governors, public health specialists, highways engineers, policy makers and researchers.
Kevin Lowe, CAPT’s head of consultancy services, said: "We have selected this topic because we are conscious from our contact with a range of road safety professionals that although many road safety activities take place that are designed directly for children, there appear to be gaps in the involvement of parents and carers.
"Some professionals find it hard to engage with them and are frustrated because it can appear that some parents undermine their work, or at least do not reinforce it."
More information will appear on this link in the run up to the event.
CAPT is a national charity committed to reducing the number of children and young people killed, disabled or seriously injured in accidents.
I think that the activities of CAPT are very much aimed at adults rather than young people. Their objective is certainly to prevent accident and injury to young people, but they see that this is mostly gained by changing the behaviour of adults who create the risk to young people.
Its very much like the #savekidslives campaign. This also seeks to change the attitudes and behaviour of adults who cause harm to children.
Rod King, 20’s Plenty for Us
I’ve never heard of CAPT before (thanks RSGB), but they obviously appreciate the fact that safety isn’t just or mostly about roads. A bit like RoSPA but aimed at young people. A useful website too with quizzes to test knowledge and provoke thought.
Paul Biggs, Tamworth