CBBC launches road safety programme

23.42 | 23 November 2011 | | 2 comments

The BBC children’s channel, CBBC, has launched a new series featuring parents and their children learning about road safety and safe driving.

In the programme, ‘CBBC Driving Academy’, four teams comprising a child and their parent are pitched against each other in a number of road safety related tasks. The show is hosted by actor Joe Swash and Sandra Dodson, deputy chief driving examiner with the DSA, assumes the role of Driving Academy chief examiner.

Sandra says: “The programme grabs the opportunity to make adults and children aware of what a big responsibility driving is and how your attitude and behaviour affects the way you drive.

“Before filming started, the children spent some time with a grade 6 approved driving instructor and were taken through the key aspects of safe driving in a speed limited dual control car. The practical tasks showed the children how dangerous unsafe driving can be.”

The programme also includes road safety demonstrations and a quiz on the Highway Code.

Sandra added: “Considering this is a children’s programme – and therefore has to have an element of fun – it has been a great opportunity for DSA to get across some really strong road safety messages to a usually difficult to reach, vulnerable audience.”

Damon Pattison, MD of Lucky Day Productions, the company which created the programme, said: “Bad driving habits can be passed on to children and at the CBBC Driving Academy the children were empowered to challenge these bad habits and help their parents be safer drivers.”

CBBC Driving Academy will be aired on BBC One, weekdays at 3.05pm from 22 November and on the CBBC Channel, weekdays at 4.30pm from 21 November.

Click here for more information.


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    Order by Latest first | Oldest first | Highest rated | Lowest rated

      I am rather sceptical about this approach. The programme could run the risk of reinforcing our ‘must drive’ attitude. It risks being an early indoctrination to our car culture, and may undermine healthy, green, cheap alternatives (walk, cycle, bus). I hope I am wrong and the programme is not about making them into “little drivers”. It’s just a thought.

      Katja Leyendecker
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      Congratulations to Lucky Day Productions, what a fantastic road safety initiative. I hope it is a great success for the CBBC Driving Academy.

      Charles Dunn RoadDriver.co.uk
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