Coming soon: THINK! Education Secondary resources

14.00 | 3 September 2010 | | 1 comment

The DfT’s new THINK! Education – Secondary road safety resources for 11–16 year olds will be available online later this month.

The secondary resources build on the THINK! Education – Early Years and Primary resources for 3–11 year olds, which were made available to schools from 2009.

The resources aim to raise awareness of road safety among young people, and to help reduce the number of children and young people killed and injured on the roads.

Like the primary THINK! Education site, the secondary site will be divided into three areas:

•    The students’ area will include engaging interactive activities for young people aged 11–16 years.

•    The teachers’ area will contain a guide to help head teachers and senior managers plan and deliver effective road safety education, and teachers’ notes including general guidance, curriculum links and detailed lesson ideas.

•    The parents’ area will contain information about how parents can help to set a good example and reinforce the messages of the classroom activities.

The resources have strong links to the PSHE, Citizenship, English, Drama and Science curricula. They are designed to be used flexibly and teachers can mix and match to suit their class. A variety of formats and activities will be provided to suit different learning styles. The interactive resources will be able to be used on a whiteboard or suite of computers.

All the resources are free and the THINK! team will provide more information about the ‘go-live’ date in the next few days.


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    Order by Latest first | Oldest first | Highest rated | Lowest rated

      Heres hoping the site provides some useful ‘Real World’ road safety for secondary students and not just gimmicky imagery.

      The DfT has for so long neglected this area and with RSOs across the country scratching their heads for worthwhile KS3/4 resources (physical or virtual), let’s hope the site works!

      Joe – Sefton
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