The Belgian Institute for Road Safety (IBSR) has issued a call for papers for what it describes as the first "European conference on road safety campaigns" to be held in Brussels in January 2014.
The international "Sharing best practices regarding road safety campaigns in Europe" conference will take place in the Autoworld Museum in Brussels, 29-30 January 2014.
ISBR says that awareness campaigns are "one of the most important methods of convincing road users to adopt good behaviour in traffic", and is inviting papers covering awareness campaigns that they have carried out during 2012 or 2013. The deadline for papers is 30 September.
The themes to be addressed at the conference are speed, driving under the influence of alcohol, seat belts and young drivers. Organisations are invited to put forward papers for up to one campaign for each theme, a maximum of four in total. For each theme the IBSR will select three campaigns to be presented at the conference with others to be featured in a publication given to all delegates. In return, the IBSR will cover registration fees for participants.
For more information contact Benoit Godart at IBSR.
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