People across Leeds are being encouraged to take responsibility for their actions this festive period by not driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
Leeds City Council’s annual drink-drive campaign delivers the message that there is no excuse for drink driving.
The campaign emphasises that individuals who are caught over the limit the morning after a night out will be treated like any other drink driver – with alcohol taking much longer than most people think to pass through the body.
To raise awareness of the consequences of drink driving, Leeds City Council’s Influencing Travel Behaviour Team held an event in Leeds city centre on 13 December.
Members of the public were encouraged to test out beer goggles to simulate the effects of alcohol impairment and offered information about alternative travel options in and around Leeds.
Councillor Richard Lewis, executive member for regeneration, transport and planning said: “This festive period the message is clear – if you’ve had a drink or are under the influence of drugs, don’t drive. The results could be life changing for you, your passengers and other road users around you.
“If you are out and about this Christmas, assign a designated driver, book a taxi or use public transport to get home. We want to continue to emphasise this message and make drink driving socially unacceptable no matter what age you are.”
The campaign is being supported by West Yorkshire Police.
Sergeant Gary Roper, West Yorkshire Police Roads Policing Unit, said: “No one wants an officer on their doorstep telling them their loved one is never coming home, especially not due to a drink or drug driver. We want everyone travelling on our roads this Christmas to be safe.
“The consequences of drink or drug driving could be devastating so I urge people to do the right thing and don’t drink or drug drive.”
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