Cycle gilets for riders in North Wales

08.05 | 31 July 2020 | | 2 comments

Cyclists in North Wales are being provided with special gilets as part of a new road safety campaign.

The Safer Cycling campaign has been launched by North Wales Police in response to an increase in the number of cyclists using the region’s roads.

The bright and colourful gilets are being distributed by officers from the Roads Policing Unit to cyclists who are spotted wearing dark clothing. 

The back of the gilets also display the 1.5 metre logo – the distance required when passing a cyclist safely at 30mph.

Sgt Trystan Bevan, the Roads Policing Unit, said: “Since the Covid-19 lockdown, we have seen an increase in the number of people using our roads for cycling. 

“Cyclists have a responsibility to ride in an appropriate manner and take measures to ensure they are as visible as possible to vehicles and other road users. 

“However due to the increase in the number of cyclists taking to the roads, some may be better equipped than others, so the gilets will be handed over to the less visible.

“The gilets highlight the 1.5 metre logo which is aimed at educating road users into providing a safe passing distance to cyclists when overtaking.

“Now more than ever, we urge motorists to give cyclists, and other vulnerable road users, especially children, plenty of space.”



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      Where can I get hold of one of these please?

      David Sreeves, Cheltenham
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      fantastic idea, should be available for all cyclist.

      Paul Robertson, Wokingham
      Agree (3) | Disagree (3)

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