DfT launches consultation on motoring services agencies

12.00 | 2 January 2013 | | 2 comments

The DfT has launched an open consultation seeking views on its proposals to reform the four motoring services agencies.

The DfT says that the aim of the exercise is to “put the consumer and business at the heart of” the Driving Standards Agency (DSA), Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA), Vehicle and Operator Services Agency (VOSA) and Vehicle Certification Agency (VCA).

The DfT identifies the following six key elements in its proposals:

  • Being at the forefront of digital services, maximising the digital delivery of services to motorists to improve the customer experience as well as ensuring that those who find access to digital services difficult are supported.
  • Supporting economic growth and vehicle manufacturing by reforming the way the Vehicle Certification Agency works, to enable the VCA to grow and contribute to the wider economy.
  • Exploring opportunities to improve convenience of the driving test, including the locations from where tests are delivered.
  • Transforming HGV, bus and coach testing by expanding joint ventures and collaboration with private sector providers, and reducing the number of Government owned test stations.
  • Delivering better customer services by listening to customers.
  • Defining organisational boundaries to deliver better services, and rationalising the number of agencies to reduce cost and improve consistency.

Click here for more information on the consultation, which closes on 7 March 2013.


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      Any private sector involvement in testing will need thorough and regular scrutiny. There should remain a clear division between those who train for commercial gain and those who test.

      Dave, Leeds
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      Perhaps it’s time to allow competitive organisations to vie for some of the agencies’ services to the public.

      In particular the DSA as it has “gold-plated” the testing over and above the requirements of our government and EU regulations in the past, and made it much more difficult for new motorcyclists to even find a convenient test centre.

      Mark Young, Hampshire
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