Do drivers pass the buck?

11.53 | 9 March 2011 | | 1 comment

Most drivers fear for their safety when behind the wheel, yet believe it is other drivers who pose the danger, according to research released by Brake and Direct Line.

According to the research 69% of drivers worry about being killed when driving, but only 1% believe they perform worse than average when it comes to driving safely. 98% think they are safer than, or as safe as, the average driver.

The 800 drivers questioned revealed that it’s the risks other drivers take that makes them worry for their lives when on the road. The statistics show:

  • 1% of drivers believe that the roads are full of safe drivers.
  • 35% think there are more dangerous drivers than safe drivers on the road.
  • 31% said they feel safer when driving a car compared to other modes of transport, while only 5% said being a passenger in a car made them feel the safest.
  • 31% said they feel least safe travelling as a passenger in a car, compared to any other mode of transport, while only 7% said they felt least safe while driving.

Julie Townsend, campaigns director of Brake, said: “Being over-confident, and believing you can get away with risk-taking, is a really dangerous attitude behind the wheel.

“If you drive, you have a responsibility to yourself and others to stay within the law. Follow the Highway Code, and do everything you can to be safe. It’s time everyone took it upon themselves to play their part in making our roads safer, instead of just pointing the finger at others.”

According to Brake the research suggests that many drivers overestimate their driving ability, whilst blaming other drivers for crashes on the roads.

In reality, a high proportion of drivers continue to regularly take risks such as speeding, drink driving or driving tired, Brake concluded.

For more information contact Ellen Booth on 01484 550067.


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    This is why we need a law of strict liability on the roads, after all it would be much fairer on those who are more vulnerable.

    Kim Harding, Edinburgh
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