Dorset gets tough with bad drivers

11.38 | 15 January 2010 | | 5 comments

The Dorset Road Safe partnership has launched an £800,000 yearlong, ‘zero tolerance’ enforcement and publicity campaign in a major push to improve Dorset’s poor casualty reduction performance.

Under ‘No excuses’, a dedicated team of police officers and support staff will carry out a daily, intelligence-led, mass enforcement programme on selected routes, aimed at specific road user groups and known poor driving behaviours.

The enforcement will be supported by carefully targeted publicity with built-in evaluation.

Funding for the additional enforcement comes from payments received by drivers and riders who are offered the option of attendance at an education referral session in lieu of points and a fine. Offences that may qualify for the referral option include mobile phone use and other distractions.

Robert Smith, Dorset’s road safety manager, said: "We are trying to get the message out that it’s not the roads that are dangerous – it’s the behaviour and attitude of a significant minority.

"Road safety is everyone’s responsibility, so we are cracking down on bad, careless and irresponsible driving but offering an education incentive for some.

“Our intelligence tells us that almost all our KSI casualties are local people crashing on local roads and almost all involve driver or rider error."

For further information contact Robert Smith on 01305 224680.


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      Get old people off the road as they are the most dangerous! At least make them take their tests again at 70.

      Jim, Reading
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      This is good news it is about time this issue was taken seriously. As a member of the ‘live for the 306’ group I firmly believe these initiatives should be expanded to all areas. I await to see how successful this campaign will be.

      Dom Grant, Poole
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      They can take a leaf, sorry a whole book, out of the annuls of North Wales Police. But dont just target motorcyclists. Target all the wrongdoers and maybe, just maybe more lives will be saved.
      Its a good idea to instruct drivers/riders on the error of their ways and obtain revenue from it in order to administer it. BY the way if not taking offenders to court will one still be able to charge them a £15 fee for victim support.
      And finally i agree whole heartedly that there should be a dedicated force of experienced traffic officers and motorcyclists. and allow them to prosecute where nec. and advise as an alternative where appropriate. They do police by consent dont they.

      Bob Craven Blackpool
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      I have been campaigning for many years for the re-introduction of dedicated Traffic Divisions in UK Police Forces. I believe, like many others, that enforcement, even if it is only police presence, makes a major contribution both to casualty reduction and acceptable social behaviour on our roads. On a dreary Monday morning it was a delight to hear this news item on the BBC TV Breakfast News. Let us now see this initiative rolled out nationwide. We have waited too long for this which probably makes it so welcome.

      Roy Buchanan, Principal Road Safety Officer, London Borough of Sutton
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      This sounds like a really sensible initiative – why is it only Dorset that’s doing it? It really ought to be a nationwide campaign with more visible Traffic Police on our roads, but it’s a start.

      David Daw, Suffolk
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