Drink drive deaths fall slightly in 2018

10.57 | 12 February 2020 | | | 1 comment

Provisional estimates suggest there was a small decrease in the number of drink-drive related deaths in Great Britain during 2018.

The figures show between 220 and 270 people were killed in collisions where at least one driver was over the drink-drive limit – leading the DfT to produce a central estimate of 240 deaths.

The provisional estimate for 2018 is slightly lower than 2017 – when there were 250 drink-drive fatalities – although the DfT says the fall is not statistically significant.

It is however 20% higher than 2015 – when the central estimate was 200.

In 2018, drink drive related deaths represented approximately 13% of all reported road deaths.

Despite a fall in the number of deaths, there was a year-on-year rise in the total number of people killed or injured in drink drive related collisions in 2018 – up by 1% to 8,700.

There was also a 4% year-on-year rise in the number of crashes involving a drink driver – up to 5,900.

Final estimates will be published by the DfT later this year.



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      Does anyone know why the drink drive figure between 2009 and 2010 dropped so significantly. Was there a change of the way things were counted or something else?

      Philip Blake, Jersey
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