Hundreds of people visited the Drive SMART stand at the Wings and Wheels show in Dunsfold over the August Bank Holiday weekend.
Drive SMART is a year-long campaign by Surrey County Council and Surrey Police to tackle the problem of anti-social driving. One of the first initiatives by Dr Andrew Povey, leader of Surrey County Council, was to pledge £1m to set up the campaign after the issue was regularly identified as a concern by residents.
Staff from Surrey County Council and Surrey Police mingled with thousands of members of the public and handed out 600 information packs at the annual airshow – and talked to people about their experiences of the kind of anti-social driving targeted by the initiative.
Drive SMART encourages drivers to be more considerate and change driving behaviours that negatively affect the lives of other road users or local residents. These include speeding, tailgating, bad or inconsiderate parking, using a hand-held mobile phone at the wheel, drink and drug driving, not wearing a seatbelt and generally thoughtless or reckless driving.
Superintendent Rachel Tills, Surrey Police’s lead officer for Drive SMART, said: "It was clear from the feedback that anti-social driving can have a significant effect on daily lives. Residents believe this is an area we should be concentrating on, and the positive response shows that we are tackling this with the right balance of education and enforcement."
For more information please visit the Drive SMART website or contact Adrian Creek on 01483 519541.
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