Drivers across Powys are being encouraged to carry a card that contains potentially life-saving information in the event of a collision.
The new ‘Yellow Triangle’ scheme has been developed by the Powys County Council’s Road Safety Unit.
The initiative, similar to the ‘Crash Card’ scheme for motorcyclists, has two elements – a ‘Your Details’ card and ‘Yellow Triangle’ sticker.
The ‘Your Details’ card gives information about the driver’s next of kin, medical conditions, allergies and medications, which emergency services can use in the event of a collision.
The yellow triangle sticker is displayed in the bottom left-hand corner inside the windscreen to indicate that the driver’s details are on the card in the glove compartment
Geoff Wilks, the council’s road safety project officer, said: “As most mobile phones nowadays are lockable and only accessible by a password, the mobile phone I.C.E (in case of emergency) system can no longer be relied upon to give the emergency services access to details.
“This scheme goes that one step further by not only providing next of kin details but also the card holder’s personal information.”
Councillor John Brunt, Powys’ cabinet member for road safety, said: “This initiative provides emergency services with vital information if a driver is involved in a collision. I urge all Powys drivers to take advantage of this worthwhile scheme.”
Photo: Powys County County.
All very well but will it stop the incidents and collisions occurring…no it won’t. It may help paramedics but the general info given is not specific or comprehensive enough to be able to save ones life. Therefore of little value.
R.Craven Blackpool
OK only if its being driving by the one identified on the card, if not a waste of time and dependant upon the information required could be dangerous. I am the only driver of my car but many others are shared by family etc.
R.Craven Blackpool
I have been given a yellow triangle at today’s mature drivers’ course. A great idea but do the police beyond Powys know what they are for?
Jane Walsh Presteigne
A perfect use for all those old tax disc holders. I have seen round booklets designed for them that could contain all important details.
Steve, Watford