DSA and TSO have published the 2013 versions of ‘The Official Theory Test’ publications for learner drivers and motorcyclists.
TSO, DSA’s publishing partner, has worked with educational specialists and subject matter experts to enhance the theory test books in a move to develop them into valuable learning tools for car and motorcycle test candidates.
While the books still include hundreds of official theory test revision questions which cover the same topics as the actual test, TSO says that “the real value comes from the new background information which has been added to the start of each section”.
Recognising that everyone learns in different ways, the background information caters for different learning styles and each section includes photos and diagrams to illustrate key points, definitions to describe tricky words and tips to highlight important information.
In addition to the revision questions, complete with explanations and references to the information the question is taken from, there are case studies for each topic and new cross-topic case studies which TSO says are very similar to the ones from the actual test.
Click here for more information about the car drivers’ book, or here for more information about the motorcyclists’ book.
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