‘E-Learning’ leads the way for drivers in Dorset

08.35 | 7 April 2011 | | 2 comments

An online driver education tool is being offered to drivers in Dorset if they are caught not wearing a seatbelt.

Known as StarTraq Live, the new E-learning solution provides online driver education for less serious traffic offences. StarTraq (UK) Ltd specialises in software solutions designed to support the police in enforcing road traffic legislation.

Drivers who take the E-learning course are first required to answer diagnostic questions which then define the learning path most appropriate for them. The course not only gives individually targeted information about seatbelt usage, but also seeks to engage them with interactive content.

To avoid a fine, drivers can pay a reduced fee and opt to do the online course. Revenue generated from course fees can be used locally to reinvest into wider road safety initiatives.

Allan Freinkel, CEO of StarTraq (UK) Ltd, says: “Dorset Police are the first UK police force to trial StarTraq Live under pilot status. It is early days but since going live last October feedback from drivers is very encouraging.

“Our software can very easily be adapted for other minor traffic offences. We know that last year over 3,000 drivers were stopped by Dorset Police for not wearing a seatbelt and we hope StarTraq Live will help to stamp out repeat offending of a very serious road safety concern in Dorset.”

For more information contact Indigo Communications on 07525 856276, or click here to view the StarTraq website.


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      It might be an obvious questions but how do we know for sure that the person taking the points for speeding was the person acutally driving at the time of the offence?….Checks are in place.

      Susan, Warwickshire
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      It might be an obvious question, but how do they know I don’t ask a family member to complete the module?

      Iain Temperton – Norfolk
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