E-petition calls for road safety in National Curriculum

12.00 | 16 July 2013 | | 4 comments

An e-petition has been launched which calls on the Government to make road safety lessons a statutory part of Key Stage 1 National Curriculum provision.

The e-petition, launched by webuyanycar.com in association with Brake, has to date attracted 1,556 signatures and closes on 3 June 2014.

It urges the Government to ensure road safety is taught in schools at an early age “to help reduce the number of child fatalities and injuries on British roads”.

Highlighting the number of children killed on Britain’s roads, the e-petition says: “Between October 2011 and September 2012, 24,860 people were killed or seriously injured on British roads. Almost 10% (2,360) were children (DfT).

“To increase awareness at an early age in a child’s development will save lives especially as they become drivers in later life.

“Over the last 24 months, the numbers killed or seriously injured has increased year-on-year – while investment in road safety education and public awareness materials has been cut.

“Every child should have a right to this vital information, not subject to a lottery based on the school they attend and the importance the institution places on it.”

Click here to view the e-petition.


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    Order by Latest first | Oldest first | Highest rated | Lowest rated

      Road Safety can and, in my opinion should, be part of the core curriculum – every pupil will use the roads throughout their life and formal education for how to do so, including addressing attitudes and how to share the network, makes sense.

      In North Yorkshire we are implementing just such a programme. We have set educational outcomes appropriate for each key stage (KS) from pre-school to KS4 and are now working on KS5. The curriculum has been designed by road safety professionals and teachers together and provides lessons in English, Science, Geography, Maths, French as well as PSHE. By incorporating road safety outcomes within existing subjects, there is no additional burden on teachers or school time. Bikeability training forms part of this curriculum.

      We will be evaluating its effectiveness during the next academic year. The challenge, as Peter rightly identifies, is in persuading teachers in every individual school to take up these lessons in place of the ones they currently use. This will always be patchy until the road safety outcomes are adopted into the national curriculum. As soon as they are compulsory, the lessons will be taught.

      Honor Byford, North Yorkshire
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      From my experience, 5-7 year olds absorb information like a sponge if that information is presented in a way appropriate to their age. Trouble is, at this age it is often the parents who determine ‘how’ their children use roads or travel in the car. I agree with Peter that teachers are already stretched enough. Here at Buzz RSE, about 25% of my work is with KS1 and it is schools who are interested in road safety invest in it and normally instigate repeat visits.

      Keith, Buzz Road Safety Education
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      Yet more work for the poor teacher to deal with which might end up with the “mind how you go” statement at the end of the day. If road safety does get on the already crowded timetable who will deliver it? Some may say it is already there in PSHE. We offer to all schools lessons prepared and delivered by experienced and knowledgable road safety officers and it is a lottery when schools do not take up our offer. Maybe as it is free it is not valued so we should charge?

      Peter in Westminster
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      I think it’s a great idea!

      Samiera Monfries
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