Evaluation alludes to ‘No excuse’ success

14.39 | 9 March 2011 | | 2 comments

Interim evaluation of Dorset Road Safe Partnership’s year-long ‘No excuse’ project reveals that it coincided with the largest fall in KSI casualties ever recorded in Dorset with fatalities falling by almost 60%.

Under ‘No excuse’, throughout 2010 a dedicated team of police officers and support staff carried out an intelligence-led, mass enforcement programme on selected routes, aimed at specific road user groups and known poor driving behaviours.

The report is an interim evaluation of the additional enforcement and accompanying mass publicity. It suggests that the project’s communication strategy has been particularly effective with brand awareness and levels of public understanding and support exceeding expectations.

The report also reveals an 18% reduction in the number of people killed or seriously injured in 2010 compared with the previous year. The report acknowledges, however, that this cannot be solely attributed to ‘No excuse’.

Robert Smith, Dorset County Council’s road safety manager, said: "The evaluation suggests that by creating a constant deterrent by regularly publicising drivers’ lame excuses for driving offences, and alerting them to the continued increased risk of getting caught anywhere, anytime, may be a factor in changing driver behaviour, but additional work is required to evidence this link.”

The report states that funding has provisionally been approved to extend the project until the end of 2011, concluding that this is an acknowledgement that the project has potential to achieve further positive outcomes and is an efficient and effective use of resources.

Click here to download the evaluation report, which has been written with the assistance of the new DfT/RoSPA ETP evaluation toolkit, ‘E-Valu-It’.

For further information contact Robert Smith on 01305 224680.


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      Well said Roy, I couldn’t agree more!

      Mark, Wiltshire
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      If I should retire, think only this of me, that there is the corner of a safety field, a campaign that is for every worthy.

      It’s called enforcement. With apologies to Rupert Brooke.

      Roy Buchanan, Sutton
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