After almost a decade in post, Simon Rewell is leaving his position as road safety manager with the young driver telematics insurer, Insure The Box.
During his time with Insure The Box (ITB), Simon has forged close relationships with many road safety professionals, and supported initiatives including Learn-2-Live (Devon), Safe Drive Stay Alive (Surrey), Project EDWARD (TISPOL) and the National Road Safety Conference.
Simon (left in pic above) joined ITB in July 2010. As the company’s dedicated road safety manager, his brief was to promote and share ITB’s unique data and insights with the road safety community, with a view to developing long-term partnerships.
To this end, he has worked with local authorities and emergency services to help develop and deliver high standard road safety educational interventions in schools and colleges across the UK.
He has also represented Insure The Box as a member of the Parliamentary Advisory Committee on Transport Safety (PACTS) – and specifically PACTS’ Road User Behaviour Working Group – providing expert insights into driving behaviour, and recommendations for policy changes.
Speaking about ITB’s involvement with Learn-2-Live, Jeremy Phillips, road casualty reduction manager for Devon County Council, said: “Throughout his time with ITB, Simon has been an enthusiastic supporter of the Learn-2-Live project.
“ITB’s financial support has enabled an even greater level of achievement and reach among some of our most at-risk road users.
“Simon has been a real asset to the road safety effort on a bigger canvas than just the south west but, for us, everyone involved with L2L has benefited from Simon’s personal and professional commitment to a project for which he clearly has a strong emotional attachment.”
Under Simon’s stewardship, ITB has sponsored the past four editions of the National Road Safety Conference, commencing in Bristol in 2016.
Nick Rawlings, who helps organise National Conference on behalf of Road Safety GB, said: “Simon’s extensive road safety expertise and knowledge has enabled him to make important contributions to the past two conferences.
“In 2018 he was a panellist in the Question Time session, and this year he facilitated a workshop focusing on telematics insurance – explaining how it works and the role it can play in reducing collisions and casualties involving young road drivers and their passengers.
“He has been a fantastic ambassador for ITB and a great supporter of the road safety sector across the UK. We are very grateful for his support and wish him every success in his career going forward.”
In a message to the public sector colleagues he has worked with over the past decade, Simon Rewell said: “During my time with ITB, I have been able to work with and learn from the best in road safety. So I want to say ‘thank you’ to all of you for a wonderful, stimulating and educational time.
“May I wish you continued success in the important work you all do in developing and improving road safety.”
Simon has been a great supported of road safety and road safety organisations and provided valuable insights from ITB on telematics and insurance perspectives. Plus invaluable financial support. Thank you and good luck in the future.
David Davies