A new educational programme aimed at students across the UK is due for release at the end of September.
The programme, ‘6th Gear’, created by Young Marmalade, focuses on 16 – 18 year-olds. It is designed to help them understand and recognise the challenges of owning and managing a car and the importance of learning to drive with care and consideration.
The free programme is ideal for RSOs to use in schools. It is curriculum linked and covers subjects including behaviour and attitudes of young drivers, maintaining a car and preparing for a journey, how to spot and deal with peer pressure, insurance and finance.
Nigel Lacy, Young Marmalade, says: “Young drivers will suffer as a result of public sector cuts in the road safety budget.
“We have developed this resource in association with educational experts as a major part of our on-going commitment to educate, inform and positively influence young people to become better, safer road users and to help equip them with the knowledge and skills to become independent and responsible adults.”
The ‘6th Gear’ website is scheduled to go live on 23 September. For more information about the programme contact James Fairlie on 01202 311644.
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