GEM ‘clues up’ young drivers on drug driving

18.58 | 5 October 2009 | | 4 comments

A new campaign to tackle the problem of drug driving has been launched by GEM Motoring Assist.

The new web based pilot campaign, which is running in around 100 selected schools and colleges across the country, encourages students to create anti-drug driving campaign materials designed to directly target their own peer group.

Comprehensive lesson plans, developed in consultation with head teachers and sixth form heads, will be provided to ensure students understand the main issues and produce evidence-based solutions. They will be competing for the chance for their school/college to win up to £1,000 worth of Sony equipment within each participating local authority area and the winning teams will also win £250 worth of vouchers.

David Williams MBE, chief executive of GEM Motoring Assist, said: "Drug taking is a major social menace affecting many aspects of society.

"However, the combination of drug taking and driving is literally a matter of life and death and the GEM Motoring Assist road safety charity is keen to do all it can to prevent the problem from escalating further. We hope that our commitment in commissioning and sponsoring this initiative will be supported by schools and local authorities throughout the country once this pilot has been successfully concluded."

Dr. Rob Tunbridge, an expert in drug related research, added: "If we are going to tackle the problem of drug driving it is particularly important to get the message across at an early an age as possible. 

"Official figures show that more than 11,000 under-16s – legally too young to drink – received help with their addiction to cannabis, heroin, alcohol and other drugs in 2007. We know from extensive research on drink drive offenders that early intervention to educate these drivers reduces their chance of re-offending by a factor of three. That is why this innovative new project to tackle young drivers before they embark on their driving career is so important and is one I wholeheartedly support and I am delighted to be involved in."

Alan Kennedy, chair of Road Safety GB and one of the key partners in the pilot, added: "The 15-18 year old age group is an extremely difficult group to engage, which is why we needed an initiative which was interactive, informative and interesting.  Our award winning ‘Drug Driving – You’d Be Off Your Head’ campaign gave us good insight into this group, which we have used to inform campaign development. We expect to see some excellent creative ideas from students as a result."

Participating schools and colleges have signed up for the campaign at  Packs including campaign branded stickers and posters have been sent to them for the launch of the campaign this week.
For further information contact Jan Deans at Dynamic Advertising Group on 07980 851360.


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    Order by Latest first | Oldest first | Highest rated | Lowest rated

      This has been a great way to engage with our College students. I am really excited to hear the positive comments from the young people in our area who are taking part. Not only are they gaining excellent knowledge through their own research and by accessing the Get Clued Up website, they will also be feeding this information down to their peers! Great way forward – we are so happy to be part of this project!

      Gill Starkie and Martin Cooke – West Sussex
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      I am very pleased to be involved in this initiative and delighted with the number of schools that have signed up in Newcastle. We are looking forward to the results which will help to engage young drivers in a positive way and will benefit everyone.

      Cheryl Ford
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      LB Newham is also involved in this scheme and we have had two thirds of our secondary schools signed up and involved in the campaign. We also look forward to the outcome. Hopefully the scheme can be promoted to youth centres so other potential young drivers can benefit from the information at hand.

      Carla – Newham
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      London Borough of Lewisham is involved in this project, we have record number of our secondary schools engaged in this, been a great way of getting it to the future young and vulnerable drivers. Now looking forward to the results!

      Liz, Lewisham
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