GEM issues pet car safety tips

12.00 | 7 August 2013 | | 1 comment

GEM Motoring Assist has issued advice to help motorists ensure the safety of pets and other vehicle occupants when animals are being transported by car.

As well as maintaining a cool car, GEM advises drivers with medium or large dogs to use a safety harness or travel cage or crate, while pet carriers should be used for small dogs, cats and other smaller pets.

GEM also recommends placing a self-scented piece of material in the carrier with a pet to help keep them calm and relaxed, and keeping fluid levels high so the pet remains hydrated throughout the journey.

David Williams MBE, CEO of GEM Motoring Assist, said: “Entertaining children and passengers is often key to surviving a long car journey, but pets must be kept comfortable and happy too. Particularly as we experience dry weather, the heat can have a harmful affect on animals.

“Ensuring that they are properly hydrated, cool, and safely secured while in the car will help to pacify your pet. If not, an unrestrained or restless animal could distract the driver and cause a lapse of concentration or worse, an accident.”


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