Getting creative with road safety messages

12.00 | 11 July 2014 |

Acclaimed author Adam Bushnell is visiting five primary schools promoting road safety messages amongst children with his storytelling and creative writing workshops.   

Each school has its own Junior Road Safety Officer – older primary pupils who run competitions, maintain a noticeboard, organise campaigns and hold assemblies to educate their peers and the wider school community about various road safety themes.

Durham County Council’s new road safety manager Paul Watson joined Adam at St Cuthbert’s RC Primary School in Seaham to meet the JRSOs and to write a road safety story of his own.

Paul said: “We are always looking at innovative ways of delivering road safety education in schools that contribute to the curriculum and support schools with raising educational standards.

"Our Junior Road Safety Officer Scheme plays a vital role in promoting road safety messages through peer education and we are delighted to support the JRSO’s work with Adam’s first workshop tour.

"The pupils are captivated by Adam’s storytelling and have produced imaginative stories with clear road safety messages.”

For more information contact Paul Watson on 03000 268166. 


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