Good Egg campaign highlights ‘alarming’ child car seat figures

10.05 | 20 December 2011 | | 3 comments

Almost half of children’s car seats checked as part of the 2011 Scottish ‘Good Egg’ campaign were found to be incorrectly fitted.

The 2011 Good Egg campaign ran between June and September, during which time 67 car seat checking clinics were organised across 22 council areas in Scotland.

Of the 1,827 seats checked, 938 were fitted correctly (51%) while the remaining 49% were incorrectly fitted – either because they were unsuitable for the child or incompatible with the vehicle they were placed in. The Scottish ‘Good Egg’ campaign called this figure ‘alarming’.

During the 10 years that the Good Egg in-car child safety campaign has been running, there has been a 72% reduction in the number of children killed or seriously injured on roads in Scotland.

Superintendent Alan Duncan, lead officer for the Association of Chief Police Officers in Scotland (ACPOS) national campaigns, said: “Recent figures show a fall in child passenger casualties which is encouraging. However, we are still finding children who are either not wearing seatbelts or who are restrained by unsuitable or incorrectly-fitted car seats.

"We fully support the Good Egg campaign which helps to educate drivers about their responsibilities in relation to in-car child safety and provides practical advice to ensure children are kept safe whilst on the move.”

This year’s checks also highlighted a growing number of car seats purchased on-line. The Good Egg campaign says that in some such cases parents are provided with very little information regarding the suitability of the seat, or instruction about fitting.

The ‘Good Egg’ campaign encourages parents and carers to check the campaign website,, where there is a list of certified ‘Good Egg’ retailers, where trained staff are able to provide advice on car seats and help with fitting them.


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    Order by Latest first | Oldest first | Highest rated | Lowest rated

      I would certainly agree with the comments regarding the number of seats that are poorley fitted. It will only become better when consumers have the knowledge that not all car seats fit all cars and all children. The Good Egg Guide has been very supportive over the years in raising consumer awareness, but they certainly can’t do it alone and this is where the retailers, manufacturers, Government and enforcement have a significant role to play.

      As you’lll be aware we have now got a national qualification on child car seat safety and its not just for RSO’s/ Fire and Rescue personnel to undertake we would like to see retailers ensuring their staff take up the courses.

      Keep up the good work !

      Julie Dagnall – Road Safety GB In Car Safety Specialist
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      Linsey’s comments ought to be balanced by the fact that the best, and most expensive, child seat will not provide safety for its occupant unless it is properly installed in a vehicle for which it is suitable. I see many good car seats that are very poorly fitted, in the ‘wrong’ car, and with no adjustment having been made for a growing child. We need a well-publicised network of places where parents can go to get things properly checked. The Good Egg campaign is a step in the right direction, but there’s still a long way to go.

      David, Suffolk
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      The statistics are alarming, it’s amazing how many parents just overlook child car seat safety and think that a £30 seat from Argos that doesn’t fit their car will do the same job as a more expensive one that does fit, this isn’t the case.

      Parents should have the common sense to have their child’s seat fitted and checked, considering it’s their childs life they’re risking but instead they want the cheapest bargain. Thank goodness the Good Egg Campaign is around to educate parents and caregivers more.

      Excellent and very worthy campaign.

      Linsey. South Yorkshire
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