Local authorities and other public bodies across England are being invited to bid for a share of a £5m fund to make improvements to local bus fleets and other vehicles in order to reduce pollution.
Announcing the latest allocation from the Clean Vehicle Technology Fund, Baroness Kramer, transport minister, said: “This is our latest step in a major programme of measures to make our air cleaner. We are raising the bar and making sure that the ongoing trend of improving air quality continues.
“This £5m will mean less harmful exhaust fumes from buses and other vehicles in some of our most polluted urban areas. This funding will also secure jobs and growth in the industries delivering the technology.”
The Clean Bus Technology Fund allows local authorities to apply for funding to improve buses and other vehicles in their fleets, providing they are used predominantly on local roads with poor air quality.
The funding, up to a maximum of £500,000 for any one authority, is designed to enable authorities to fit “pollution-busting technology” or convert vehicles to run on cleaner fuels. A total of £7.3m was awarded in 2013 to 26 local authorities.
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