A graphic film highlighting the dangers of not wearing a seat belt was shown to almost 1,500 students in Castlebar, County Mayo on 9 February.
Students from County Mayo and surrounding counties attended the AXA Roadsafe Roadshow, which was run in association with Mayo County Council. The film, originally produced for the Queensland Government in Australia, depicts how a great night out can rapidly end in tragedy.
The film aims to educate and encourage people to change their behaviour by considering the consequences of what may happen if they don’t wear a seat belt, and to make seat belt wearing automatic behaviour.
While the message applies to the wider community, it is especially targeted at males aged 17–24, the most at-risk group in terms of seat belt use.
Noel Gibbons, road safety officer with Mayo CC, says: “The ‘Better buckle up’ campaign deals with the non-wearing of seat belts by drivers and passengers which continues to be an issue in Mayo and across the entire country and Europe, despite many years of high profile campaigning.
“The Gardai stop thousands of drivers every year for failing to restrain themselves, or their passengers, properly. In 2011, over 13,649 Fixed Penalty Notices were issued to drivers who failed to wear seat belts properly.”
Click here to view a clip from the film or for more information contact Noel Gibbons on 08778 70055.
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