Wipers on, lights on’ is the theme of a new campaign launched by Mayo County Council in Ireland.
The campaign has been inspired by a law – adopted by many US States – requiring drivers to use their headlights during inclement weather, or when their windscreen wipers are on.
Noel Gibbons, Mayo County Council’s road safety officer, says: “Common sense tells most of us to keep our wipers on when it’s raining, but it’s important to remember that you need to turn your headlights on as well.
“Having your headlights on is not only about seeing the road better when you drive, but about making sure others on the road can see you too.
“The goal of this campaign is to increase overall traffic safety. Headlights draw more attention to cars. Any time you draw additional attention to a vehicle in inclement weather it increases safety for everyone.
“I feel if people knew the importance of driving with their lights on in daylight hours they would do it without any legal requirement.”
For more information contact Noel Gibbons on 0877870055.
I understood this law has been in place in Sweden for many years hence the “jokes” about Volvo headlights!
Roger in SE London