IAM highlights reduction in young driver and passenger deaths

12.00 | 6 June 2014 | | 1 comment

The number of young driver (17-24 yrs) fatalities has decreased by 10% since 2010, according to analysis by the Institute of Advanced Motorists (IAM).

In the same timeframe, the number of passengers killed in a car driven a young driver has fallen by 24%.

The IAM says that in 2012, 133 young drivers were killed, alongside 71 young passengers. In 2011 the figures were 148 drivers and 93 passengers.

The IAM says the reduction in fatalities could be due to a number of factors including a “general improvement in safety on our roads”, fewer young people passing the test, road safety campaigns and enforcement, and the recession.

Simon Best, IAM chief executive, said: “Road safety has been improving for everyone in the UK in recent years and that is reflected in the improved situation for new drivers. 

“But, it’s worrying that younger people are still at such high risk of causing death and injury to themselves. These figures show an urgent need to improve awareness of the risks for younger drivers and their passengers.

“By delaying its Green Paper the Government has missed a great opportunity to provide better training, more support and learning from a younger age.”


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    Order by Latest first | Oldest first | Highest rated | Lowest rated

      The fact that fewer young drivers have been killed is to be welcomed of course, but before we celebrate too much it would be good if we knew the cause of the reduced slaughter.

      If it is because there are fewer young drivers around, then we have not achieved much. Being cynical, I suspect that some of the reduction must have been brought about by the state of the economy and a smaller number of the young being able to afford to drive a car.

      David, Suffolk
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