IAM issues caffeinated drinks warning

10.06 | 25 September 2009 | | 1 comment

The IAM (Institute of Advanced Motorists) has warned high mileage drivers that it could be dangerous to rely on caffeinated drinks, which it says can even lead to increased weariness.

The IAM points to research showing that just an hour after drinking a highly caffeinated and sugared drink, tired drivers can experience serious lapses in concentration and slower reaction times as the drink wears off.

The US National Safety Commission (NSC) has issued an alert for those driving under caffeine intoxication, similar to warnings associated with drinking alcohol and driving.

Neil Greig, IAM director of policy and research, said: “Energy drinks are good as a quick fix, but they’re no substitute for regular breaks. Having a high-caffeine drink is a one-off hit – you can’t repeat it, as this type of drink does not produce the same effect in a couple of hours’ time.”

Click here to read the full IAM news release, or for further information contact the IAM press office on 020 8996 9777.



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    I’m a bit confused by this one. I always thought that the guidance given for ‘Don’t Drive Tired’ by Think! was – stop every 2 hours, have a high caffeine drink, have a 15-20 minute nap to allow the caffeine to kick in. Then all the stuff about don’t turn the radio up/open the window, share the driving etc.

    Have I been giving the wrong advice all these years? Worrying if I have – how many crashes could I have caused?

    Vince Morley, RSO, Milton Keynes
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