Interactive road safety map updated with 2019 data

11.56 | 5 January 2021 |

A free web mapping service, which shows details of road collisions and casualties across Britain, has been updated to include data for 2019.

Developed by Buchanan Computing – a specialist supplier of software, training and web mapping for traffic professionals – CollisionMap can be used without the need for registration.

As well as plotting all collisions dating back to the beginning of 2011, the CollisionMap allows users to examine the data by region, council area and postcode. 

Figures can be compared for individual councils against others in the same region and users can input the first part of a postcode to compare it to the national picture.

CollisionMap also adjusts the collision data according to population, meaning that users can ‘more accurately compare their own’ location with others.

Figures published by the DfT in September 2020 show 1,752 people were killed on roads in Great Britain in 2019 – down from the 1,784 reported in 2018.

The statistics also show there were 153,315 casualties of all severities in reported road traffic collisions in 2019 – and 25,945 seriously injured casualties.

Meanwhile, provisional estimates for the year ending June 2020 will be published later this month – lifting the lid for the first time on the impact of Covid-19 on casualty statistics.



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