Jenoptik named as new sponsor of RSGB Twitter feed

12.00 | 23 June 2016 | | 4 comments

Jenoptik Traffic Solutions UK has been unveiled as the new sponsor of the Road Safety GB Twitter feed.

The announcement comes as the feed, which was launched in February 2010, passes 13,000 followers.

Jenoptik, previously known as Vysionics until a rebranding last week (13 June), is a world leader in innovative and industry-leading solutions for the Intelligent Transportation Systems market.

The company’s services range from ‘out of box’ camera products though to fully managed service delivery applications.

Jenoptik’s systems are all Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) based, covering a diverse range of real world applications, including: journey time systems, average speed enforcement, police ANPR, bus lane enforcement, car park management and congestion charging.

Road Safety GB’s social media presence and influence continues to grow, with its Twitter page reaching 13k followers less than four months after eclipsing the 12k mark.

The latest milestone represents steady growth for the page and Road Safety GB is now unquestionably one of the UK’s leading road safety social media contributors.

Sonya Hurt, Road Safety GB vice chair, said: “We are delighted that Jenoptik has agreed to sponsor the Road Safety GB Twitter feed. Jenoptik is a world leader in the intelligent transportation systems market and we are looking forward to establishing an effective working relationship with them.

“Our Twitter feed and website have a continually expanding following among both engineering and road safety experts, operating nationally and internationally, and this has helped us achieve global recognition as a professional road safety organisation.

“Our newsfeed output is utilised to support road safety events and initiative launches, and provides a well utilised and visible platform for our supporters and sponsors, including Jenoptik.”


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    Order by Latest first | Oldest first | Highest rated | Lowest rated

      Again, not really related to this news item, but where there are large numbers of inappropriate, but currently legal, speeds on a particular road, the limit should be reduced to make them illegal and therefore enforceable, to deal with the problem, which is the idea behind the 20s Plenty campaign as urban 30s are the most abused – if I can use that word – speed limit.

      Hugh Jones, Cheshire
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      Hugh, you are confusing “exceeding the speed limit” with “inappropriate speed”.

      It is my view that speed limits are political devices, not road safety measures – or can you provide evidence that for any given location driving within the speed limit is always safe and driving above it is always unsafe. On the other hand, inappropriate speeds are always dangerous (whether within the speed limit or not).

      It is the confusion of these two concepts which is, I believe, one of the major reasons why we still have such unacceptably high levels of carnage on our roads and streets.

      Charles, England
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      I don’t think Dave Finney’s comment is really relevant to RSGB’s Twitter sponsor news, however as it has been published I’ll just say, in the interest of balance, that we could also take the obvious and common sense view that as exceeding the speed limit is an offence anyway, blights the lives of other road users and communities alike and is a major factor in road collisions, scientific trials are not necessary at all as the necessity to deal with the problem is self-evident and all the better if we can use technology to do it.

      Hugh Jones, Cheshire
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      Jenoptik (formerly Vysionics) are a leader in the new average-speed camera technology but in my opinion their products are controversial. In a spirit of honesty and transparency, Jenoptik (along with Road Safety GB) could promote the installation of average-speed cameras within RCT scientific trials. Taking such an evidence-led approach would involve a level of risk for Jenoptik, but it would prove what effect their product has, it would go a long way to satisfy the concerns and would provide a foundation of trust and confidence in both the company and their products.

      I would support the use of Jenoptik’s average-speed cameras when installed within RCT scientific trials, and would hope everyone else would too.

      Dave Finney, Slough
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